Team info

info Rheza Adipratama

We are looking for team members
I am looking for a co-founder(s) who has strong knowledge of blockchain technicalities and IT development.

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The challenge

The biggest scandal on internet era just blew up a month ago when a Cambridge analytica whistleblower admitted that more than 87 million facebook users's data had been stolen during the political campaigned of 2016 US election. Moreover, in this social media era, we are not merely users but also products. Our activities on the internet have been recorded and analyzed to gain insights about our preferences and behaviors. Then, those insights will be used to formulate the social media content (ads, news, games, etc.) and injecting back to us as the social media users. The problem is how secure this system? and there is no guarantee that those social media providers will not misuse our data (just like Cambridge analitica and facebook scandal) while they keep making money from us.

The solution

The solution that we offer is the decentralization of the internet by blockchain technology. Where every internet users are treated as fully-anonymous, and they could trade their data for some compensations. The idea is to make new internet environment where there is no one could control/access the users' data except them-self, and it will be followed by the market of data. Your data will not sit doing nothing, but it could be traded for some compensation. The compensation is in the form of digital currency which will be called as DataCoin.

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