UT Challenge
Because of the many requests, we've moved up the registration deadline. Numerous students are completing their awesome profile as we speak. You've still got one week left to register and create your own profile for the UT Challenge .
This is your chance to becoming the next unicorn of the University of Twente! Co-create with specialist from various partner companies, expand your network and win great prizes!
Registration ends the 14th of April. Go to:
For the students who've already created an account, please make sure to complete your profile as soon as possible and start filling in the Golden Egg Check to impress our partner companies.
Registration Workshops
Also, don't forget to register for our inspirational workshops. To register, follow these steps:
1. Log on to our platform
2. Make sure the menu is set to your online profile
3. Choose the 6th item called 'register for workshop' and you're ready to go.