Ioana Drilea
Casper van Uijtert
We are looking for team members
- advanced knowledge in psychology
- programming skills
- ability to create VR
Reality. Mine or yours?
Communication can be quite challenging, weather it implies using a different language, or working with a new team, it is a problem a lot of people encounter during their life. The main reason for it is that the way we perceive the world is fairly different. While struggling with communication in different steps of life is about normal, those who suffer from different mental health related issues tend to struggle more than the average. How can their families understand better what's going on in their minds? How can therapy become more effective?
My concept involves using virtual reality in the mental health industry for facilitating communication between families with members that suffer from certain mental health problems, but also as a form of therapy for the patient himself. VR could relief the struggle of those who suffer from PTSD or anxiety disorders. Together with medical workers different scenarios could be programmed based on the research made in the field of mental health and later used as a form of therapy or as a mean to communicate in a better way how and what the patients are feeling to their families. Another application of VR in this domain would be research. The intensity of the experience could help scientist find out subtle differences between different disorders and healthy people.
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