Team info

info Sisko Derks

info Suney Martijn

info Wilco Nieuwenhuis

info Jasper van den Brink

info Reinier de Ridder

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The challenge

It is common knowledge that career opportunities for upcoming musicians are slim. Musicians who do get offered a contract, get little to say in how their music will be distributed. Since they have no other choice, they find themselves clinging to these contracts, providing them with unfair working conditions. Upcoming and talented musicians sometimes quit their career before it even starts. Also, well-established musicians do not gain a lot from streaming their music.

The solution

That is why we would like to offer these musicians a platform where they can provide their fans music for a fair price. The music enthusiasts pay a low price for what they actually listen to and almost all this money will go to the musician, making the conditions beneficial for both parties. The goal is to make the music industry easier accessible for upcoming musicians, providing big musicians with a fair price for online streaming. We hope that uSonus will: - Make the music industry more diverse, more musicians following their passion. - Change the revenue model from solely live performance based to also live stream based. - Make listening and making music a bigger and more entertaining experience for all parties.

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