Team info

info David de Meij

info Niels Jansen

We are looking for team members
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science / Business and IT, Blockchain, Health Law

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The challenge

Obesity, diabetes and the metabolic syndrome are a rapidly growing pandemic that is hitting millions of people worldwide and there is no solution in sight. While our current healthcare system is mainly focussed on treating the symptoms of these diseases, while not addressing the root cause. Research is increasingly showing us the effects of the gut microbiome composition on the above disease, as well as relating this to other diseases such as cancer, autism, autoimmune diseases and even depression. However, to analyze someone's gut microbiome is still an inconvenient and costly process, making it not something that easily accessible to researchers and certainly not to the average consumer. Also, since the gut microbiome varies a lot between individuals a lot of data is needed to draw statistically significant conclusions and provide personalized diet or lifestyle advice.

The solution

We want to offer a service that makes it easy and convenient to obtain health data such as gut microbiome composition or continuous blood glucose measurements. We will create a platform where researchers can directly pay people to use this data, combined with other data sources such as health records, diet intake or Fitbit data, to train algorithms that can give personalized lifestyle or diet advice or that could diagnose certain health conditions. Besides selling their data consumers can also pay for using certain algorithms in the MyHealth store which might, for example, give personalized nutrition advice. This means that regular consumers can get personalized diet and lifestyle advice, while also at the same time getting paid for providing researchers with their health data for the benefit of science. This will result in diet and lifestyle advice that will be science-based and actually easier to follow than a standardized diet because it can provide you with very specific foods that you can better avoid that you might not even enjoy (for example tomatoes) while at the same time comforting you with the information that some foods that you really enjoy (for example ice cream) are not as bad for you as you might think. This will move us from away from reactive standardized healthcare to preventive healthcare, giving us a better quality of life while lowering our healthcare cost and making us less reliant on traditional medicine and pharmaceutical companies.

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