Biting protection
Team info

info Niels Kadijk

info Lise Pieper

info Nathalie ten Broeke

info Natasja Schaafsma

info Giuseppina Pinky Kathlea Diatmiko

info Lise Pieper

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Biting protection

The challenge

A big unknown problem that has been ignored for to long is kids or adults with disabilities biting on their own hand. Te reasons differ but all these people often end up with bad cuts and wounds. Because of the salvia these cuts and wounds often get infected and can result in scars. These kids can not help themselves and that is why a solution is needed.

The solution

Our solution is good because of its simplicity. We do not need technology of modern solutions, they need something that helps immediately. We designed a glove with biting sticks attached, when the kid wants to bite on their hand these biting sticks will prevent this. The glove is made of a durable, breathable and water resistant material to protect the hand. This simple glove will bring comfort to the kid or adult, but will also be a great comfort to the parents or caretakers.


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